Review by Alexander Brown

Kahoot! was a game created by the Norwegian company Kahoot! AS. It is a quiz game that can be played on computers or tablets. You can easily download Kahoot! It is a game for students and teachers. It is a free game that can be accessed by anyone with internet connection. The game is played by creating a quiz with a question and up to four possible answers.

The players type in their answer and the player who answered the question first is shown to be correct. Kahoot! is a quiz-game that was originally created in Norway in 2011. The game is played by a moderator who asks a question and the players answer by clicking on the correct answer. This particular game is also highly interactive with each player being able to see the other player's answer and the moderator’s score. In addition, players can click ‘speak’ to say their answer out loud.


The gameplay consists of making a quiz with up to four possible answers. The player who answers the question first is shown to be correct. Kahoot! provides a variety of games which can be played by the players.

These games can be played like:

  1. Kahoot! "Blitz"
  2. Kahoot! "Speed"
  3. Kahoot! "Climb"
  4. Kahoot! "Quiz"


The graphics consist of the black background with the white text, red and blue text, and yellow and green text.

Information about replayability of Kahoot!

The game is quite replayable, as it is free and can be played by anyone with internet connection.


  • The game is free;
  • The game can be played by anyone with internet connection;
  • The game consists of a variety of games;
  • The game is quite replayable;
  • The game is entertaining;
  • The game can be played by students and teachers;
  • The game can be played on computers and tablets;


  • The game can be quite addicting;
  • The game can be played by any age;
  • The game can be quite difficult;
  • The game can be played by any age;
  • The game can be quite difficult;


In conclusion, Kahoot! is a game that is free to play. You can easily download Kahoot! The game can be played on computers and tablets, and can be played by anyone with internet connection.