Zoom’s Recent Acquisition Hints on More Attention to Virtual Events
- 30 Dec 2021

Video conferencing is great, and the success of Zoom proves it. But what about fully-fledged virtual events? Zoom obviously sees the perspectives of these, given its recent move. In December 2021, Zoom acquired a set of virtual event solutions from Liminal, a startup that focuses on virtual event technologies.
As good as Zoom feels in the industry now, there is always a place to step ahead. And this place, according to Zoom, is where virtual events are. Oh, drop the “virtual”. As a Zoom spokesperson says, the future of events will see virtual and real-life events merged, so some guests will be present in person, and others as their avatars or video representations.
This is what Liminal technologies are about. The very name “Liminal” means the ambiguity that appears in the middle of a transition ritual (an initiation, a status change). Now the world is just in the middle of such transition, at least when it comes to physical vs. virtual presence. And one of the aims Zoom pursues is making the transition smooth by offering tools that make online and offline meetings equally efficient.
Among the solutions that Zoom has bought, there are ZoomISO and ZoomOSC, due to which one can achieve better video quality and more personalized audio options. This will take virtual presence to a new level after what Zoom offers in its video conferencing tools. Some of the assets by Liminal can also become a part of the core Zoom service, though it’s not clear yet which and how. In the meanwhile, though, Zoom is already projecting its own tools that will “render solutions by Liminal obsolete”.
And what do you think about the future of virtual events? Do you think there’s nothing like a drink and a handshake, or do you hope one-day virtuality catches up with reality? Let’s have a discussion in the comments here!